Anticipation. We had waited 7.5 months and now the anticipation was building as we drove to meet up with our Racers. Each parent was happy to chat with one another; it was a pleasant distraction on the three-hour drive. We made new and lasting friendships. Thrilled in the moments of arrival, there was much cheering, squealing, and running into the arms of one another!
Our time together was so well thought out by our leaders. They gave us lots of time to hang out with our Racer. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we ate together. It was also a great place to connect with other Racers and their Parents. 19 Racers and their parents, doing life and ministry together.
We started out our week doing kids ministry. Our family did face painting. One hundred and fifty kids! Whew! There were other stations like rock painting, soccer, and games, as well as a team sharing a Bible story with every group of kids as they made it through the rotation of activities. A choir group from Baylor University in Waco, TEXAS, worked with us all week. It was beautiful how we all merged together to minister to the people of Draganesti-Olt and the surrounding areas of southern Romania. The next day, we did a Jericho prayer walk around a university campus. Then, while we had lunch with our Racers, the Baylor team passed out invitations for an event that evening where the Romanian people could practice their English. This is where we could talk with them, in a social setting, and possibly have opportunity to share the Gospel. Each table would have a translator and, after the students from Baylor sang, there were testimonies, simple bible teaching, and then drawings for prizes. Afterward, a long drive back to Hope Church where we ate dinner.
Re’ led worship twice and gave us and a couple of other families a private concert of the new worship songs she has written this year. I will just say you are going to absolutely love them!
The last day of ministry was full. It was a day I want to always remember. The team we were on was in a clinic, providing medical services and passing out free eye glassed. We were on the counseling team. The people were lined up out the door. They would get their blood pressure and glucose checked, come in for counseling, then receive their glasses as they left. Several said, “I can see!” Our time together that morning was so special! We had been talking with people for quite some time and it was coming to an end. We had Florina as our translator, which was such a blessing (Ronnie and I were staying with her and her husband, Mark, the best couple and wonderful hosts!). She had instructed us to initiate the conversation and steer toward an opportunity to present the Gospel. As we talked with our last lady, I felt a strong direction to ask her—someone who had been dealing with heart issues, panic attacks, and new responsibilities that had caused much stress in her—if she had forgiven her son for leaving, and if she had repented of unbelief. We shared with her that The Father had sent us from the USA to meet with her and offer her a personal relationship with Jesus, who could give her peace that would be beyond what she thought was possible. She began telling us that she could see peace on us and that she wanted what we had. By this time, another lady had joined us and we asked these ladies if they would like to pray with us. They agreed. I felt my daughter should lead at this point and she said, “sure I’d love to.” These sweet ladies repented of their sin and invited Christ into their hearts. We were thrilled! Then I found out later this was my daughter’s first time to have an opportunity to lead someone to Christ on an individual basis. Well, my Momma heart is so happy for this testimony! Loved seeing our girl!
Blessings and all my love,
Rene’ Hollingsworth
What a Faithful, Mighty God we serve!
Re’ thank you for sharing this. I can’t even imagine how excited you, and your parents must have been to see each other after 7 1/2 months.
God is using you in such a mighty way. And ministering to these people together as a family is beautiful. What a precious time God blessed each one of you with.
I can’t wait to hear your new worship songs you wrote. Hugs, love and prayers.